our mission

We are an organization dedicated to transforming the lives of underprivileged children or those at risk of drug and addiction problems, working together with churches that implement aid and comprehensive development programs.

How do we do it?


  • We support legitimate churches: We carefully select churches with transformative programs that focus on the spiritual growth, education, and comprehensive well-being of children.
  • We monitor the programs: We actively participate in the programs we support, carrying out constant monitoring and evaluation to ensure their effectiveness and positive impact on the lives of children.
  • We provide resources: We donate equipment, clothing, food, school supplies, Bibles, and transportation so that the programs can carry out their activities effectively.
  • More than words, action: We not only offer spiritual help but also tangible support in the daily lives of children, providing them with a safe and opportunity-filled space.

What do we achieve?

  • Comprehensive transformation: We positively impact the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual development of children.
  • Risk prevention: We help prevent children from getting involved in criminal activities or falling into drug use and addiction.
  • Opportunities for the future: We provide children with the tools and support they need to reach their full potential.
  • Strengthened communities: We create a multiplier effect by strengthening the communities where children live.

How can you be a part of it?

Make a donation 

Your financial support allows us to continue transforming the lives of thousands of children.

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We believe that everyone deserves a chance at healing and transformation, and we are here to offer a helping hand.

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